Thursday, May 28, 2009

tHe dAy I wAs bOrN....

Posted by I am Nad at 10:27 AM
it's about 7am.. ibu already entered the labor room.(it's not easy to give birth 2 you sayang.) maira was born at 12.16pm. weight 2.5kg. you are so small n cute dear.. c ur picture:
daddy is soooooooooooo happyc ur fingger is so smallur mouth is also small so cute!
everything going so good, accept that it's quit hard to teach u breast feeding. you seem 2 avoid ibu n always like 2 sleep.
what happen next is, when we got back 2 nenek's house that night, your temperature suddenly increase to 38'celcius. daady bring u 2 d'hospital. and the doctor said u have to be admitted to the wad due to infection + jaundice. so we stayed in Hospital Tangkak for 4 days. thanks to God everything turn ok after that. so ibu promised to take good care of you Maira!!




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