Monday, June 29, 2009

ThaNks fOr cOmiNg uNtiE N UncLe

Posted by I am Nad at 11:05 AM
untie ajan, untie nisa, uncle man, untie iera, mama eppa n untie deq

2day ibu n maira are very happy. coz untie n uncle come 2 visit us. thousand of thanks to the gift for maira.. maira got so many gift. some are clothing n the most lovely one is the bear.. white bear. tq untie deq! nenek ask ibu to captured the photo of all present.. so this is it.
this is all the present, there is much more in your room
you been "dera" by ibu. wrapping you like a present with those ribbons. hehe...nenek would like to kept this picture as memoir with baby maira




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